Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reading Workshop

There are many components of our Reading day:

These are some of the ones we have started to incorporate:

Reading skills and comprehension:We have started our first unit on Sequencing. Signal words like "first, then, after, in the year ___, finally" help us figure out the order in which events happen.

D.E.A.R time (Drop everything and read) is our favorite time of the day. We each get to pick a book of our choice and read quietly to ourselves! Each student also has a reading log and will read for 10 minutes everyday at home too.

Guided Reading - is when students get to read independently on their own level of reading fluency and comprehension. During this period every student will also have time to work with the teacher on specific goals to help bring them on to the next level! This week we have begun to assess the students and determine which level they are up to.

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