Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May is Health and Fitness Month!

We will be discussing how to have a healthy lifestyle...

-Healthy eating - We will be learning about the types of food and nutrition that are important to include in our diet. The Parents are making for us a special vegetable and juice bar which we will be visiting tomorrow! We will also be making a salad for lunch together next week!

-Being active-Exercising - We will be choosing a nice day to take a jog on the boardwalk!

-Hygiene - how to stop the spreading of germs, keeping clean and brushing our teeth.

-Healthy living -Going to sleep on time.

We will be asking any parents who work in the field of health or fitness to come in and talk to us about being healthy and fit. If you are able to come in and talk to us about this - please let me know!

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