Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Walkathon!

Our class walked for 45 mins to raise money for our 'Yeladim Play Yard'.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Health Event

Did you know that some of the most dangerous chemicals are found right in your home? From laundry detergents to other cleaners, from personal care products such as shampoos, toothpastes and makeup even to first aid products such as pain relief medications and topical ointments, many of them contain chemicals that can affect the development of growing children and the pollution level of your home.
Join us as we conclude Health and Safety Month at Mazel Dayschool with a presentation showing you how you can replace these dangerous chemicals with safer, more effective products.

THIS Tuesday evening at 7 PM at Mazel Dayschool

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Social Studies Project - Country Report

We have started off on our Social Studies Report. This year we have each chosen a country in Europe. Our class is really excited about the report and the kids are looking forward to researching and working independently to find interesting information and display it creatively! The due date is Wednesday June 15th and Wednesday and Friday's homework have been designated for time to complete it. Apart from internet research, which needs adult supervision, I hope that your child will be able to do the project independently!

Health Professional

Today Miriam Golda's Mom came in to speak to us about being a nurse! We talked about keeping healthy and what is involved in the job of a nurse. Mrs Kimmelfeld showed us how blood pressure is taken and we each had a turn to practice using a stethoscope and hear each others heartbeats. We learned about immunizations and we gave a doll an injection using a real needle!

It was a lot of fun to actually use these tools! Thank you Mrs Kimmelfeld for Sharing with us!

Thank You!

Just want to say thank you for the beautiful gift that the class bought us. Mendel will definitely enjoy playing with the cute toys! Thanks so much!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting Ready for Lag B'Omer...

We have been getting ready for Lag B'Omer - also known as 'Jewish Unity Day' by making posters and signs for the 'Great Parade'! We each chose a mitzvah and "advertized" it on a poster. We will be using them for our school's march in the Great Parade.

Our school will also be having its own mini parade in Brighton Beach on friday!

Middah of the Week - Keeping neat and clean

This week's Middah is all about being tidy and neat!
We discussed:
-Eating with manners and staying clean
-Being organized
-Tidying up after ourselves and putting things back.

If you see your child making an effort in one of these areas - please fill out a 'Middos Message Note' so we can share it with the class! We have saved all our notes from the whole year and it will be special to see all the Middos that we practiced at the end of the year!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May is Health and Fitness Month!

We will be discussing how to have a healthy lifestyle...

-Healthy eating - We will be learning about the types of food and nutrition that are important to include in our diet. The Parents are making for us a special vegetable and juice bar which we will be visiting tomorrow! We will also be making a salad for lunch together next week!

-Being active-Exercising - We will be choosing a nice day to take a jog on the boardwalk!

-Hygiene - how to stop the spreading of germs, keeping clean and brushing our teeth.

-Healthy living -Going to sleep on time.

We will be asking any parents who work in the field of health or fitness to come in and talk to us about being healthy and fit. If you are able to come in and talk to us about this - please let me know!