Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Preparing for the State Exams...

Yesterday we discussed the different parts of the state exams that we will be taking...

Math: 1) Book 1 - multiple choice math questions
2)Book 2 - questions which require more working out and showing our work.

English: 1) Reading
2) listening and writing conventions
3) writing and responding

We have had alot of practice in all these areas:
  • Math book 1 - we have done many past papers and feel confident in the kind of questions that are asked.
  • Math book 2 - we have done 1 or 2 past papers and we are now clear about what is expected of us in this part and we will continue to practice...
  • From the beginning of the year we have become familiar with the reading - multiple choice questions format.
  • We have been building on the reading skills neccessary to anwer the kind of questions that are asked in the test
  • We have been listening to many read alouds and discussing.
  • We know how to edit our own work,
  • And, we have got used to responding and writing about books that we read.

Now it's time to put our skills into practice and learn how to take a test!

We wrote up some 'Reading Test Tips':

-Always read ALL answers

-Choose BEST answer

-Think about the MAIN IDEA of the text and the author's PURPOSE in writing the text

-When the answer is in the text - underline the words in the text.

-When the answer is not in the text - we need to infer and 'read between the lines'

-Check your work carefully

I was so proud of our class that they were able to come up with these tips on their own!!!!

We will be continuing to work on all these skills and we will be writing tips for ourselves for the 'listening' section and 'writing' section too!

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