Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Middos Message Notes

"We come to school to learn how to be good students and good friends"

Every Monday we have a 'Morning Meeting'. We greet each other in a special way, we tell our news and practice good communication and listening skills. We also discuss the Middah of the week - the good character trait we will be working on that week...

The Middah we are working on this week is 'Chessed' - being kind to others...

When we see a friend doing a kind act for another, we write a note and put it in our 'Chessed Basket'. Next 'Morning Meeting' we will read all the notes that have been written!

Please help us out with this project and write a 'Middos Message Note' for your child if you see them doing an act of Chessed. This will really help us reinforce what we are learning!

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